Our monthly meetup where we discuss club business and watch our favorite episodes. November is a month of Thanksgiving. While the past two years have taken much from us (including loved ones) we can be thankful that the worst is behind us. In the United States, we are starting to build back. But is the same true for everyone? Although club policy generally forbids us from discussing politics, greed and selfishness are blinding Star Trek's hopeful vision of humanity's future. Truly the most appalling part of the ongoing crisis is the undeniable disparity in the access to healthcare as well as the glutenous and rampant profiteering surrounding it. Demand for the vaccine is down in the first world leading pharmaceutical companies to lobby for full price booster shots before they have to take a cut so they can sell to the second and third world. Providing the richest nations with their third shot before most of the poorer nations have had access to their first. Presidents and celebrities have access to the latest and greatest antiviral medications while the poor struggle to find ventilators. Star Trek is usually subtle when addressing these topics (as will be seen in this month's episode selections) however, we can no longer afford to be. If you have your health, be thankful. If it is within your means to help the poor here or around the world, please do so. "It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism." -- (Fredric Jameson / Slavoj Žižek) Modern fiction is littered with dystopic hellscapes. Star Trek is different because it wants something better for our species. Come meet the crew and enjoy Casa's wide selection of beverages.